Lovage Vinegar


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In a nutshell: This intense and fragrant vinegar is perfect for salads, soups and stews and a great addition to your pantry staples.

Great Taste 2018 1-star award winner

Made in the London Borough of Ealing, hand-picked lovage grown in our garden is infused with cider vinegar for 3-6 months before bottling. Used sparingly, this delightful herb vinegar will add some intense flavour to all kinds of salads, soups and stews, tomato sauces and potato salad. Perfect when poaching chicken and fish or add to stewed greens and all bean and pulse dishes. Combine 1/2 tablespoon with some water as a useful aid to digestion. Lovage (Levisticum officinale) is a member of the umbellifer family of Apiaceae plants, which includes parsley, angelica, celery and cicely, and was widely used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for its culinary and medicinal properties. Known also as 'loveache' or 'love parsley', it was also thought to be an aphrodisiac. Rich in antioxidants, Vitamin B and C, this handy vinegar is a brilliant addition to your pantry staples.

Details 200ml, 6° acidity

About Vinegar Shed
This is how Vinegar Shed came about from a 20 year love affair with making small batches of homemade vinegar in various pots and barrels in our kitchen.  Always giving it away to friends and family, chefs and food writers around the world, they all loved it and encouraged us to start this vinegar revolution! Now, we've progressed to all sorts of wooden barrels and use sustainable oak, chestnut and acacia to age and make our vinegars in our West London HQ.